Find a Care Manager/Aging Life Care Professional

Do you have a loved one with complex medical needs? Does the prospect of incorporating their institutional visits with their at-home care needs seem overwhelming? Are you having a hard time navigating between insurance companies, and at-home care companies, and your loved one’s care team?

If so, your family might be in need of a care manager and/or Aging Life Care Professionals.

They assist clients in developing and implementing a holistic plan of care to help them attain their maximum functional potential, taking into account every aspect of their lives. They also have extensive knowledge about the costs, quality, and availability of resources in their communities. Care managers can work as an independent consultant, helping their clients access care at broad range of facilities and providers. A good care manager can step into the middle of a medical crisis situation, and help families assess what care is truly needed, find their best care options, get them covered, and ensure care is up to standard. Or, care managers can work within a nursing home, or home health agency, providing top down management of a client’s care.

Care managers provide:

•Assessment and monitoring

•Planning and problem-solving

•Education and advocacy

•Family caregiver coaching

Consultants who bill themselves as “healthcare advocates” are a subspecialty of this group, helping clients gain coverage and navigate insurances to cover their needs.

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